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Funny how listening to yourself allows for some perspective on how you sound. :D Though I'm not sure I've noticed the sentence delays myself. I know I [...]

Corey Allison, - The Terror of Doctor Toddler

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« American Auror


Episode 4 Enter the Dreamer

Theme: Wizard, by Jahzzar; used under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license

Warning: gameplay recordings may and probably do include language and material offensive to some listeners. Ok, many listeners. Listener discretion is advised.

This week - with special guest moderator Adam from the Amity campaign, who spends the whole time making up a character that he never comes back to play, so don't get attached.

The Aurors spend some time going over the information they have so far and plotting their next step in investigating Algarsyf and Cambalo. Then, it's case time!

This week's case is a hot one. The Aurors get involved at the start of a new rising dark wizard.

Fitzhugh's weaponized skunk project doesn't go well.

Magical schools are filled with horrible people, a lesson the Aurors will take with them for the rest of the campaign.

Tim muses about a possible future campaign - WWII in the Harry Potter universe.


Feldman. Not Haim.

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