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Funny how listening to yourself allows for some perspective on how you sound. :D Though I'm not sure I've noticed the sentence delays myself. I know I [...]

Corey Allison, - The Terror of Doctor Toddler

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« American Auror


Episode 8 Something That's Close to the Truth

Theme: Wizard, by Jahzzar; used under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license

Warning: gameplay recordings may and probably do include language and material offensive to some listeners. Ok, many listeners. Listener discretion is advised.

This week, the paranoia begins as the Aurors start to wonder if the whole world really is out to get them. Or, more precisely, was out to get their predecessors and they inherited that.

This is another recording with sound issues. I apologize again. It was before we learned where the buzz was coming from, so this episode is heavily "cleaned up" and there are some weird drop-offs at parts.

This adventure is a little more railroady than was intended. C'est la vie. It all works out in the end to everyone's unhappiness and sets up some future events. Particularly the ending conversation with the Aurors and Knowles which lays out much of the theme for the campaign.

The Aurors find themselves playing nursemaid to a gold wand - a contract killer with the legal right to carry out revenge killings. In order to keep that from turning into a bad situation, they turn to some bad people to make different situations.

In the end, they'll have to put one guy in prison, get another out of prison, and mess up another federal department's investigation to finish their mission.


Castelbianco is a real place. And that's how it's spelled. It's not a Castle. It's not Blanco. Although the idea of an Italian White Castle did make me laugh.

Also, the spell is Revelio, not Revealie. But it's Revealie for the rest of the campaign.

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