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Funny how listening to yourself allows for some perspective on how you sound. :D Though I'm not sure I've noticed the sentence delays myself. I know I [...]

Corey Allison, - The Terror of Doctor Toddler

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« Amity Campaign


Episode 12 I'm Gonna Take 10 Gold Out Of Your Hide

Theme: Poetic Pitbull Revolutions, by Diablo Swing Orchestra; used with permission.
For more information: DiabloSwing.com

Warning: gameplay recordings may and probably do include language and material offensive to some listeners. Ok, many listeners. Listener discretion is advised.

The Headlanders wander into more monied circles and learn that, even here in Amity, pedigree matters to those with pedigree.

There are two reasons to listen to this episode.

First, and I would to apologize in advance as this episode proves me to be the source, this is the first appearance of what is surely our most offensive recurring joke. All this time I've been blaming Adam.

I get my comeuppance at 49:19 when I'm pretty sure I have a small stroke.

And second, this episode introduces one of my favorite NPCs - Laird Eastman. A pun that nobody ever got.

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