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Episode 27 Jiggity Jig
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Theme: Poetic Pitbull Revolutions, by Diablo Swing Orchestra; used with permission.
For more information: DiabloSwing.com
Warning: gameplay recordings may and probably do include language and material offensive to some listeners. Ok, many listeners. Listener discretion is advised.
The Headlanders are back in allied territory and big changes are afoot.
Levala's folks are keen to find out what the Headlanders have been up to, now that they're 3 months late. They get debriefed before they're allowed to sleep.
Bad news about Professor Zaun helps the Headlanders get in touch with their feelings as they head back to New Liegeport - the old town is hardly recognizable now that it's been built into a bustling metropolis - largely with Headlander Inc. money.
Rae's creepy sex thing gets uncomforable when he's asked to roleplay it out.
Adam reveals an uncanny ability to jerk the table back to gaming from a chatter ramble - seriously, you'd think it was bad editing the way he just jumps back into the game but it's all Adam being on point.
Tim fantasizes about the day they're both dead.
And the Headlanders return to their other home - the one they've never actually seen.
And if you're wondering how Cariad manages to buy eggs for 2 copper and sell them for 1.5 copper and make a profit, here's Milo Minderbinder explaining.
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