« Amity Campaign
Episode 9 Dungeon Days, Part 2
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Theme: Poetic Pitbull Revolutions, by Diablo Swing Orchestra; used with permission.
For more information: DiabloSwing.com
Warning: gameplay recordings may and probably do include language and material offensive to some listeners. Ok, many listeners. Listener discretion is advised.
The party compete in the Dungeon Days events. How do they do? Well, they are the stars.
With the pain of their previous screw-ups still stinging their collective ass, the Headlanders make plans and schemes only to realize, once again, they're just a hair short and a minute too late. The first day's challenges come and go and the Headlanders start to get a good idea how outrider business is typically handled.
Adam's character has one of those moments where you lock eyes with your soul mate when you least expect it and suddenly there's vaseline on the camera lens and the lighting gets all heart bokeh and Joe Cocker's "Up Where We Belong" starts playing and then one of you tries to stab the other to death.
I didn't intend Korille to be a recurring character, but I followed Adam's lead and worked her into the story. It worked out in the long run because it gave his character motivation and gave me an in to introduce the continent's back story.
And the group gets its first taste of Adam's ability to make incredible rolls when not really necessary. This is a recurring, sometimes infuriating theme in this campaign.
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