
PlayAARG.com is the home of the AARG tabletop role playing game.

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Funny how listening to yourself allows for some perspective on how you sound. :D Though I'm not sure I've noticed the sentence delays myself. I know I [...]

Corey Allison, - The Terror of Doctor Toddler

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Non-AARG Games

Occassionally, we play games in other systems. You know, just for fun.

Episode 5 - The Blackfish, a Dynamo Game

When a super-powered eco-terrorist wreaks havoc in a small, Louisiana town the super-powered yokel cops wreak havoc right back. You can download the DYNAMO system for free.

Episode 4 - Misdirected

The filming of a Z-grade horror flick goes awry when the actor playing the evil necromancer turns out to be a little too method. Guest GM Corey runs us through a game of Dynamo. You can download the DYNAMO system for free.

Episode 3 - The Terror of Doctor Toddler

A group of super powered thugs take on a force even more dispacable than they are - nazis.

Episode 2 - Fists of Deadly Fight, Part 2

Our secret Kung Fu agents succeed in infiltrating Vastapremanovavich's secret lair and uncover his evil plot - but is it already too late ??

Episode 1 - Fists of Deadly Fight

A team of counter-espionage agents goes undercover in the world of early 80s underground kungfu fighting, with deadly results.